About me

I am a researcher and lecturer at the Hague University, where I teach within the Communication & Multimedia Design – User Experience Design BA program at the IT & Design faculty. Subjects I teach or recently have taught include: Building Engaging Prototypes, HCI (human-computer interaction) technology, Programming Bootcamp (creative coding), Graphic Design, Information & Data Visualization, Introduction to Programming.

Furthermore, I am a PhD candidate at Leiden University (Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)) where I am conducting research on playful interaction in (semi-)public spaces. My PhD research is funded by the NWO (Dutch research council) PhD grant for teachers.

Since 2014 I have been a researcher within the research group Healthy Lifestyle in a Supporting Environment, where I am involved in research into the application of technology within physical education. My main focus is the application of interactive video projection (Spatial Augmented Reality). Among other things, this has led to the development of BalanSAR, a balancing exercise in which interactive animations are projected on a gym bench and its surroundings.

I have been part of the NWO-NRO project Co-design with kids: Early Mastering of 21st Century Skills (in collaboration with TU Delft and INHolland University, among others), where I conducted research into the added value of designs that were created in co-creation sessions with children.

During the 2016 Lowlands music festival in the Netherlands, together with the help of students and colleagues, I researched the relationship between physical exertion and social interaction while playing a two-player version of Tetris, controlled by jumping vs. buttons.

I combine research and education by involving students from various programs in research, through internships, graduation assignments, and setting out research assignments within various subjects (including HCI Technologies, Building Engaging Prototype a.o.) in which students actively contribute to practice-orientated, applied research.

During my Master’s in Media Technology, I co-designed and developed Globe4D, a four-dimensional globe. This led to founding an internationally operating company and the inclusion of Globe4D in temporary and permanent exhibitions worldwide (USA, India, Yemen, Portugal, South Korea, the Netherlands, Turkey, France, among others).

During my bachelor’s degree, I designed and developed an interactive sit-and-play ball with which young children could operate a computer in a way that matches their perception.

In 2009 and 2014 I was involved in the organization of the ChiNL and Chi Sparks conference and in 2008 I was coordinator of the exhibition and lectures “6 years of creative research” at V2 in Rotterdam for Leiden University.


Post-BA Basis Kwalificatie Examinering

the Hague University for Applied Science, Academy for professional courses, 2021

Post-BA Pedagogical Didactic Training

the Hague University for Applied Science, Academy for professional courses, 2010 – 2011

MSc. Media Technology

Leiden University, 2005 – 2009

– Graduation Research Project: ‘Assessing children’s experiences with active and passive artificial companions ‘

– Project Harmonoise – Disruption of personal vs. collective harmony in music and space

– Project Globe4D: 4-dimensional globe

BA Communication & Multimedia Design (cum laude)

Specialization Interaction Design

Willem de Kooning Academy for Art, Media & Design, Rotterdam University for Applied Science, 2002 – 2005

Graduation Project: Ball-on: a Physical Play Input Device for young children

Awards, Nominations & Grants

  • 2019 Dutch Research Council Doctoral Grant for Teachers
  • Olive Award 2018: best teaching team the Hague University – HCI Technologies
  • 2017 the Hague University pre-PhD voucher
  • Nomination Pim Breebaard Research Award 2017 for inspiring research within the Hague University
  • ZonMW Sportinnovator 2016 encouragement award
  • Virtueel Platform ‘Best Practice’ Globe4D
  • Award ‘Best Video Demonstration’ – ACM MM2006
  • ‘Education and Virtual Entertainment’ Award – Laval Virtual 2007.
  • ‘SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies’ Award – Laval Virtual 2007.
  • Nomination Shell LiveWIRE Young Business award

(Academic) Presentations

Healthy Lifestyle research group in a Stimulating Environment

  • Annual Congress Association of Universities of Applied Sciences 2018 – demonstration BalanSAR interactive
  • Vitality Event 2018 University of Applied Sciences Leiden – Presentation: Application of augmented reality in physical education & participation panel discussion
  • Design, Learning & Innovation (DLI) conference 2017 – Heraklion, Greece – Presentation: Creativity in co-Design for Physical Education: Comparing Contributions of Children and Professionals
  • Symposium on Computer-human Interaction in Play (CHIPLAY) 2017 – Poster presentation: Adding Interactivity to Balance: a Spatial Augmented Reality Game for Balancing in Physical Education
  • National Sports Forum 2017 Noordwijk – Masterclass Gym of the Future
  • Tangible, Embedded & Embodied Interaction Conference Tokyo 2017 – Poster Presentation: BalanSAR: Using Spatial Augmented Reality to Train Children’s Balancing Skills in Physical Education.
  • Science and Engineering Conference on Sports Innovation (SECSI) Delft 2017 – Presentation: BalanSAR: Using Spatial Augmented Reality to Train Children’s Balancing Skills in Physical Education
  • Science and Engineering Conference on Sports Innovation (SECSI) Amsterdam 2016 – Presentation: Using Spatial Augmented Reality to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness of Physical Education
  • International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment (Intetain) 2016 – Presentation paper Cooperative Tetris: The Influence of Social Exertion Gaming on Game Experience and Social Presence
  • from Playing Tag to Tagging 2016 – Presentation & Demonstration Interactive Video Projection in the Gym of the Future
  • Tangible, Embedded & Embodied Interaction Conference 2015 – Stanford, U.S.A. – Poster presentation: Exploring the application of interactive video projection in Physical Education
  • 2015 – The Hague University of Applied Sciences Research Lunch: Gymnasium of the Future
  • Dutch ICT in Education Congress (NIOC) 2015 – Tinkering with Technology in Human Computer Interaction Education
  • Sport in Amsterdam, What’s Next? Pakhuis de Zwijger, 2015 Presentation Interactive video projection within the gym of the future


  • Several presentations on Tinkering within creative technological higher education
  • 2012 Tampere International Week – Workshop Arduino & Interactive Installations
  • Innovate 2009 – Virginia Educational Technology Leadership Conference, Richmond, Virginia, USA – Globe4D demonstration
  • October 2009 Knowledge month “Build your own alien” workshops designed, organized and implemented together with October Knowledge month & ESERO. Performed in 11 WSF (Scientific Support Function) Libraries
  • Innovaction 2008 Udine Italy – demonstration Globe4D
  • Kshitij 2008, Kharagpur, India, demonstration and presentation Globe4D
  • Laval Virtual 2007, Laval France – demonstration Globe4D
  • ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 Emerging Technologies Exhibit
  • ACM Multimedia 2006 Video Demonstration Globe4D